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East Ward Community Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Willow Street, Bury, BL9 7QZ

0161 764 6065



Our Writing leaders are Miss Szpak and Miss Goodwin.

Our Learning Challenge Curriculum provides learners with rich and varied opportunities to write for purpose. By providing children with the understanding of what they are writing, why they are writing it and who they are writing it for encourages self-motivation and develops a love for writing.

The writing journey is at the heart of our English curriculum. Children are given opportunities to plan, draft, write at length and edit and improve. Teachers model high-quality writing and have high expectations of the writing every child can produce. Writing will be seen displayed around school and on 'learning lines' within the classrooms. Key texts and a clear audience inspire the children with a clear purpose for their writing and ensures that they have the knowledge to put pencil to paper. The children have opportunities to share their work with the intended audience.

Vocabulary acquisition in all lessons, particularly in Learning Challenge and Reading, provides children with a wealth of appropriate vocabulary to use in their writing. Grammar and Punctuation is taught within the writing journey to ensure children are able to apply what they have learnt and as a school we also teach Alan Peat's Sentence Types to help children develop their own 'toolbox' for writing. 

Handwriting is taught using 'Letter-Join' - a whole-school scheme which provides teachers with long-term, progression plans for their year group using traditional and digital resources. We teach cursive handwriting from when children are ready in Year 1 to ensure children can join letters fluently and accurately by the end of Key Stage One. 

Spelling is taught for 15 minutes a day using 'Ed Shed'. Children in younger year groups continue to be taught to spell through their phonic lessons and as children move through school, RWI strategies are woven into the teaching of spelling. 

Please see below for our Long Term for English. From time to time, this plan may change as teachers adapt the learning to suit the needs of the children. 

English Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Please speak to your child's class teacher for further information on how to access 'Ed Shed' spelling and 'Letter Join' at home.